
Mid Sussex Golf Club

Ivor Treewood msgc news reporter

Ivor Treewood (AKA Lee Andrews) is Mid Sussex Golf Clubs News reporter.

Ivor Treewood is the brain child of Lee Andrews (General Manager) and Mike Abbott (Sales & Marketing Manager) of Mid Sussex Golf Club and was created in 2023. You'll find him out on the course during golf society days / charity days and well.... just about any day he wants to go out and mingle with golfers out on the course!!

This character was designed for entertainment purposes only.

subscribe to ivors youtube channel here


If you are planning a visit to Mid Sussex Golf Club and have a mate who you'd like to stitch up and would be happy to feature with Ivor Treewood please get in touch.

Subject to Ivor Treewood's availability - He's a wanted and very busy man!! 

Press enquiries p lease call Mike Abbott or Lee Andrews on 01273 841835

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